First Time Traveller - Investigation & Research Phase...

This is so exciting!  I'm really, really, really, really, really, looking forward to my trip to Seoul in May.

Planning for a trip is downright terrifying and at the same time so exhilarating!

As a paranoid, first-time traveller with a bit of an independent streak that chafes at having to follow a strict pre-laid-out timeline, I think I've found the perfect private tour that will allow me some peace of mind and some freedom to go where I want and do what I'd like.

Then again, with the constant research I've been doing - I just might be brave enough to actually go it alone.....MAYBE!

Some interesting and helpful apps and informative sources that I am using currently - if you haven't been but are interested in visiting South Korea and wanting to experience it from a local's POV:

  • Creatrip Korea App and Blog and YouTube Channel:
    • as a member, you get discounts and suggestions via the app that may not be mentioned in a regular, guided tour. These are available in English, Korean and Chinese; so don't worry about downloading and then not being able to read or use them properly.
    • the YouTube channel is wicked! It honestly feels like you have a friend living there who is giving you tips and honest recommendations via FaceTime or something.  English subtitles are available.  Personally, I'm doing my best to listen and watch with the Korean closed captions.  I'm immersing myself before I actually get there, but that's my preference.  You don't have to if that's not your cup of tea.  괜찮아요.  :)
    • Personally, if it weren't for the people who put all the information together - I don't think I would contemplate braving it alone without a tour guide.  Please definitely give them a like and subscribe if you find them as helpful and the information useful and beneficial like I do. No, I'm not getting paid to advertise for them...I sincerely am impressed and grateful for the information they have shared so far and look forward to their new content.

  • Naver Map and Subway (available in both Android and Apple Store)
    • I am absolutely impressed and gobsmacked at how wonderfully detailed and easy to use the South Korea transit app is.  OH. MY. GOODNESS.  Even if you aren't ever going to use their transit system - for fun - just download and explore.  Available in English, Korean and won't be disappointed (정말 저는 믿어요!) please believe me.  I'm personally disappointed in our Transit App for Metro Vancouver!
  • Discover Seoul Pass App
    • You have to get this if you decide not to go on a guided tour.  Your choice of a 24, 48 or 72 hour pass.  When you purchase the pass, you can show the voucher to any designated pick-up location at Incheon Int'l Airport, Gimpo Int'l Airport, or the Myeong-dong Tourist Information Center.  Just be sure to remember which location you decide to pick-up from (and if you choose Incheon...remember which floor!).  When you reserve your pass, they ask you to choose where you want to pick it up from.
    • Having this pass is pretty great; the app lists the popular attractions that allow you to enter for free with the Pass.  Some places may not allow you to enter for free, but they do offer a discount when you show your pass and passport.  These places are also listed in the app.
    • Sync your pass to your app to keep track of how much time you have left.
    • They do refund the remaining balance if you don't use up the pass; although there is an administrative fee charged for doing so.
Okay!  I think I've rambled enough for today!

See you in the next post, where I'll be sharing what I plan to bring with me so that I DON'T look like a tourist!  

나중에 봐요!
See you later!


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